Home of the

Islamorada Sailfish Tournament

and the

Florida Keys Gold Cup Series

2004 Islamorada Sailfish Tournament Results


Last year's grand Champs had a little bait well trouble. Found the wells had stopped working and while Angler Mike was in the bilge trying to repair the pumps, Reinaldo was spraying the wash down into the livewell to try to keep the bait alive. He had cast a bait out and all the sudden two fish popped up. After a lot of screaming and scrambling they hooked the two fish and caught them. But by then all the bait was belly up and they had to go get more and fix the pumps so they couldn't get back to sailfishing until very late that day.


Total number of Anglers 105 (Tournament record)
Total number of boats 43
Total Number of Hook-ups 150
Releases Day one 32
Releases Day two 53
Releases Day three 30
Total number of releases 115
Total tagged fish 10
Total days fished 3

Sea Conditions

Day one (Dec. 3rd, 2004) Seas 1 to 2', Winds NNE 5 to 10 Kts.
Day two (Dec. 4th, 2004) Seas 2 to 3', Winds NNE 10 Kts.
Day three (Dec. 5th, 2004) Seas 2 to 4', Winds E 10 to 15 Kts.


Major Sponsors
Adventurescom Abel's Tackle Box
Brooks Clark & Company Caloosa Cove Marina
Caribee Boat Sales Collectors Corner
Coral Bay Marina Holiday Isle
Lorelei Restaurant Mangrove Mike's Café & Bakery
Sandy Cove Marine Sales Sun 103.1 WFKZ
TIB Bank of the Keys World Wide Sportsman

Trophy List

Overall Champion(s) - Trophy sponsored by

World Wide Sportsman
John Morris & George & Doris Hommell
Anglers: Steve Cunningham, Rick Arnold, Rob Ruwitch,
Albert Castro, Jeff Voll
Residence: All from Homestead FL
Captain: Steve Cunningham
Mates: Albert Castro
Total Released Fish: 6
High Point Captain - Trophy sponsored by Abel's Tackle Box
Charlie and Mary Pritchard
Captain: Steve Cunningham
Residence: Homestead, FL
Anglers: Rick Arnold, Steve Cunningham, Rob Ruwitch,
Albert Castro, Jeff Voll
Mates: Albert Castro
Boat: No Mercy
Total Released Fish: 6
High Point Mate - Trophy sponsored by Caloosa Cove Marina
Mates: Albert Castro
Residence: Homestead, FL
Anglers: Rick Arnold, Steve Cunningham, Rob Ruwitch,
Albert Casto, Jeff Voll
Captain: Steve Cunningham
Boat: No Mercy
Total Released Fish: 6
Second Place - Trophy sponsored by TIB
Bank of the Keys
Anglers: Carl Keldie, Chris Keldie, Richard Mirande
Residence: Coral Springs, FL - Lutz, FL - Jupiter, FL
Captain: Ralph Delph
Mate: Ralph Delph
Boat: Vitamin Sea
Total Released Fish: 5
Third Place - Trophy sponsored by Sun 103.1 WFKZ
Anglers: Andrew Carpenter, Mike Carman, Joe Flynn
Residence: Troy, NY - Ballston Spa, NY - Greenwood, SC
Captain: Lee Robinson
Mates: Frank Martincak, Taffy Robinson, John Greco
Boat: Jack Pot
Total Released Fish: 5
High Point Angler - Trophy sponsored by Sandy Cove Marine Sales
Angler: Robert Richardson
Residence: McKinney, TX
Captain: Steve Leopold
Mate: Justin Baker and Wayne King
Boat: Yabba Dabba Doo
Total Released Fish: 5
Click to enlarge     Most Tagged Fish - Trophy Sponsored by Caribee Boat Sales
Anglers: Andrew Carpenter, Mike Carman, Joe Flynn
Residence: Troy, NY - Ballston Spa, NY - Greenwood, SC
Captain: Lee Robinson
Mate: Frank Martincak, Taffy Robinson, John Greco
Boat: Jack Pot
Total Tagged Fish: 3 - tie on time
Most Tagged Fish Captain - Trophy Sponsored by Holiday Isle
Captain: Lee Robinson
Residence: Tavernier, FL
Anglers: Andrew Carpenter, Mike Carman, Joe Flynn
Mate: Frank Martincak, Taffy Robinson, John Greco
Boat: Jack Pot
Total Tagged Fish: 3 - tie on time
Most Tagged Fish Mate - Trophy Sponsored by Islamorada Charter Boat Assoc.
Mate: Frank Martincak, Taffy Robinson, John Greco
Anglers: Andrew Carpenter, Mike Carman, Joe Flynn
Captain: Lee Robinson
Boat: Jack Pot
Total Tagged Fish: 3 - tie on time
Most Outstanding Catch - Trophy sponsored by Brooks Clark & Co. Realtors
Angler: Scott Robins
Residence: Tavernier, FL
Captain: Benny Spaulding
Boat: Weez in the Keys
Species: Bonita, 23 ¼ pounds
Largest Dolphin - Trophy sponsored by Adventures Com.
Angler: Ed Rice
Residence: Springfield, MO
Captain: Marty Lewis
Mate: Jamie Platt
Boat: Main Attraction
Weight: 23 Pounds
Largest Tuna - Trophy sponsored by Coral Bay Marina
Angler: Matthew Neber
Residence: Homestead, FL
Captain: Billy Cordes
Boat: Contender One
Weight: 28 ¼ pounds
Largest Mackerel - Trophy sponsored by The Lorelei Restaurant
Angler: Matthew Neber
Residence: Homestead, FL
Captain: Billy Cordes
Boat: Contender One
Weight: 24 ¼ pounds
Hard Luck - Trophy sponsored by Collectors Corner
Angler: Mike Myers and Reinaldo Diaz
Residence: Islamorada FL - New York NY
Captain: Billy Wood
Mate: Joe Milazzo
Boat: Sandy Cove

Tagging Program

The tournament is an all release format and tagging is optional.
A total of 10 sailfish were tagged with NOAA or Billfish Foundation tags for scientific research.

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